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Unified Hosts AutoUpdate:
ScriptTiger's most popular script that can quickly and easily install, unsinstall, and set up automatic updates for any of Steven Black's unified hosts files, which block everything from sidebar ads, annoying YouTube video ads, banner ads, invisible embedded analytics, and can also optionally block domains known to host websites and/or other services dedicated to fake news, gambling, porn, and/or social media.
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Simple tool written in Go to handle hosts file black lists that can remove comments, remove duplicates, compress to 9 domains per line, add IPv6 entries, as well as can convert black lists to multiple other black list formats compatible with other software.
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ACX Master:
ACX Master is a simple stand-alone ACX checker and mastering tool which can work on either single files or on multiple in a batch process. When in Check Mode, the tool is designed to check audio files against the ACX submission requirements and alert you to any conflicts. When in Master mode, the tool is designed to master and encode the final MP3 files as transparently and with the least amount of headache possible which an ACX audiobook narrator will then upload to ACX in order to pass the ACX submission requirements. However, even if you're not submitting to ACX, but just appreciate the gold standard which ACX submission requirements set for vocal dialog, such as for alternative audiobook publishers, general voice acting and narrations, voice-overs, video essays, talking head videos, podcasts, and more, ACX Master can also export to either 16 or 24-bit ALAC/M4A, FLAC, or PCM/WAV lossless audio formats to allow you to achieve the ACX gold standard no matter what your intended use is.
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LuaJIT For Windows packages LuaJIT, LuaRocks, a Mingw-w64 tool chain, and git for a modern and easy-to-use all-in-one Lua solution that can be distributed as a standard Lua environment for any Lua workflow running on a 64-bit Windows platform.
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Mixer in G is a PCM audio stream mixer package written in pure Go using the go-audio framework and does not require binding to non-native libraries, such as SoX or FFmpeg, as other mixers do.
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KanziSFX is a minimal Kanzi decompressor to decompress an embedded Kanzi bit stream, with built-in support to also untar a compressed tar archive. So, the embedded Kanzi bit stream could contain either a single file of arbitrary type or a tar archive which will be both decompressed and unarchived.
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Collection of fasmg procedures which can be quickly included with any fasmg project to gain out-of-the box procedures for simple memory management, string manipulations, and more, with minimal abstractions and as few system calls as possible in favor of doing as much as possible internally as efficiently and intuitively as possible.
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This is a trivial downloader for Windows which is basically just a wrapper for URLDownloadToFileA. Being a trivial downloader, it does not attempt to recover from an error nor does it follow dynamic links, so all links should be static. Use cases for TinyWinDL are trivial files, such as small files storing non-critical settings or configurations, which are synchronized regularly and missing a synchronization here or there is not important.
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goIP is a Go package which validates, parses, and formats IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, as well as creates simple, lightweight structures to store and return common information about IPs which are well suited to be used in iteration.
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A Java GUI client for the IP_Search REST API.
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ABC is a package for Go which can act as either a standard HTTP downloader with resume capabilities or as an arbitrary byte collector to download only arbitrary portions of files by manipulating the HTTP Range header as needed. ABC can easily be imported into any Go project and be implemented as Go routines to download arbitrary portions of files concurrently. The reference implementation of ABC launches a single instance of ABC, but can also be easily scripted for concurrency.
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A small Java Tor controller widget that stays conveniently on top and out of the way with a minimal footprint while you go about your activities. Also includes a Tor version checker to make sure your version of Tor is up to date.
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MKV Ripper:
MKV Ripper is an FFmpeg script to enumerate video and audio streams within a container, not only MKV, and losslessly stream copy them to individual files.
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TigerCap is an ffmpeg script to capture audio from an audio device and encode it to a WAV file. Also included is a compression script to compress WAV files to FLAC files. The purpose of TigerCap is to facilitate audio recording with as minimal a footprint as possible to produce the best possible encoding of the audio with minimal artifacts.
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FLACSFX is a minimal FLAC-to-WAV transcoder and multitrack FLAC mixer for embedded FLAC archives. The FLAC files are embedded and archived by appending them to a precompiled FLACSFX executable and can be either unindexed or indexed, for better performance when working with larger archives. The transcoder component transcodes embedded FLAC files either to WAV files or standard output, while the multitrack FLAC mixer can mix any combination of compatible embedded FLAC tracks and output the mix either to a file or standard output, allowing you to play source tracks or new mixes by piping them to VLC or other compatible applications without needing to write a new file.
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A simple tool to quickly scrape and format current foreign exchange rates from Google. Provides an optional REST API to more easily integrate with tools such as the Microsoft Excel `QueryTables` function.
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Simple Tor controller written on Go for those that just want a single simple stand-alone compiled executable rather than needing to go through Python with STEM or other similar overly complex managed scripted projects utilizing countless dependency packages just to open a simple socket connection.
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DAIDE QuickStart:
Replacement for the original `DAIDE QuickStart.exe`. This script helps you quickly and easily set up Diplomacy games, both local or networked games with any combination of bots and/or humans, with a variety of variants included.
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oui_standardize standardizes IEEE MAC address block files (CSV files) containing OUI records by importing an arbitrary number of said files, sorting them by MAC address prefix, and then outputting the results to standard output (stdout). Curly brackets are used as delimiters and multi-line fields are reduced to single lines in order to allow scripts to more easily parse the records with as little overhead as possible.
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UUID Generate:
This is a UUID (A.K.A. GUID) generator that generates standard UUIDs (i.e. 66BD58C5-E715-0941-1A11-5FE9289C141C) and stores the new UUID in the UUID environmental variable (i.e. %UUID% or !UUID!), outputs the UUID as standard output, and also copies the new UUID to your clipboard if you are running Windows Vista or later. This allows you maximum versatility for any workflow to be able to either easily integrate UUID_Generate.cmd into other scripts or just simply double-click it whenenever you need to quickly automatically grab a new UUID to the clipboard so you can easily just paste it into whatever inventory software you're using.
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Hosts Conversions
Scripts that enable you to drag and drop to convert a hosts file to any of the currently supported formats.
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Windows 911!!!:
Curated list of FREE emergency resources when you find yourself in the inevitable pickle with Windows.
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A bundle of popular scripts from ScripTiger to perform various IP calculations, such as calculating subnets for network planning, looking up geoIP data for a given IP address, gathering ping statistics across multiple nodes simultaneously, and more! All of these scripts currently fully support IPv4, but some scripts may not extend to IPv6 yet.
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Microsoft Updates:
If you just got a fresh Windows 10 and you don't know why your Internet stopped working around the same time, try this. These are scripts to enable and disable Microsoft Updates, for people with slower connections or that otherwise want to manually control upates. Don't forget to run them with administrative privileges!
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Microsoft Shared Networks
Need help navigating connection sharing on Microsoft Windows 10 with or without the Creators Update?
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CRLF Normalizer:
An LF to CRLF converter to convert any files in any directory to CRLF.
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Repo Search:
Tool to instantly search all or specific files in any repo for keywords or phrases natively on Windows extremely easily, with an option to output results to a file. This script is nice for programmers trying to find all the references to something quickly. If you're a gamer, however, and play any open-source games, this script is even nicer when used to transform the source code of your open source game into a complete offline knowledgebase or even Easter egg hunting engine.
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Demonstrations in randomness and private/local functions. If you ever wanted to make a script game, you should definitely check this out!
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Search scripts for the cmudict. This script is meant to make the cmudict project more accessible to poets who rely heavily on the sounds and stresses of words versus just their spelling. It allows you to search word sounds by regular expressions, allowing you to quickly find true rhymes, slant rhymes, or any particular stress patterns you may need to complete your work. The official cmudict currently only supports North American English pronunciations, however separate unofficial GitHub projects could be started for multi-national and multi-lingual support, as well.
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Cycles through any given character set in any given order and outputs to standard output or to a file. For larger data sets, like 128-bit MD5 hashes, 160-bit SHA-1, 256-bit SHA-256, etc., it is recommended to only do a couple character combinations at a time, unless you plan on having the script run for days on end uninterrupted.
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